Anyway, enjoy, and feel free to leave any type of comment - if you have a fanfic of your own, I'll be happy to return any comments.
February 21, 1978
9:46 pm
“Goddamnit, get off my tail, pig!” I yelled, running away from one of the cops. He continued after me, but I managed to give him the slip when I sidestepped into a nearby alley. I turned to walk away but was then tackled to the ground by another cop; probably the other guy’s partner.
“Oh, shi-” I started, but didn’t finished as I was flipped onto my front and the cop began cuffing me. He began reading me my Mirandas but didn’t finish as I felt him fly off my back. A few seconds later I was uncuffed and I stood up. In front of me stood a big guy with wearing a white vest, a smirk on his face.
“C’mon.” He said urgently, nodding behind him. He turned and ran off and I followed, easily catching up to the big man. He led me down one of the alleys and into a dark spot.
“Bet you’re wondering why I helped you out, huh?” He said to me, and I replied with a nod. “I hate those Goddamn pigs. What did you do anyway?”
“Busted some guy up for calling my mom.” I said.
“I see.” Mouse replied with raised eyebrows
“Doesn’t take much for me to flip.” I explained, shrugging my shoulders.
“Right.” He replied, nodding his head. I nodded back and turned to head off.
“Hey!” He called, causing me to turn my head back towards him. “Maybe you and I should stick together. Two heads are better than one, right?”
Wait, this guy wanted to hang with me just like that? Seemed a little fishy to me.
“What’s in it for you?” I asked.
“Nothin’,” He shrugged. “I just know I have someone watching my back.”
“Okay then,” I said slowly, nodding my head. “You’ve got yourself a deal. What did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t,” He replied with a smirk. “It’s Mouse.”
He looked like more of a bear than a mouse, but okay.
Edge meets Mouse
Edge & Mouse meet Snakefingers
The gang get a hangout
Clemo & Daz join up with the gang
The gang get their first brawl, and also a name
Knox & Harry join the Saracens
The Saracens give Cyrus a hand
The two Jers meet up with the Saracens, and the Saracens head up to SoHo | 2
Knox & Harry leave the Saracens to form the Jones Street Boys
Arson & Snakefingers try the King of the Hill 'Junkyard Challenge'
Edge gets busted
Edge returns, and the Saracens head up to Tremont | 2
The Jones Street Boys attack
The Saracens get a little help from the Warriors
The Conclave | 2 | 3
Little Jer is reported as missing | 2
The Jones Street Boys attack again, with some help from the Gladiators
The Saracens head up to SoHo again
The Saracens help out the Warriors
The Saracens get some news on Little Jer
Little Jer's funeral
The Saracens attack the Turnbull ACs | 2 | 3
Mouse bows out
The Saracens get some revenge on the Gladiators | 2 | 3
The Howitzers get some revenge on the Saracens | 2
The Satan's Mothers come down to Bensonhurst | 2